Saturday, June 18, 2016

Culture Differences

I have been in Italy for two weeks now and I have been able to experience more the Italian culture. I can say it’s quite different from what we are use to in the United States. The biggest differences that I have noticed between the two cultures are the food, transportation, and style.


In the United States we are used to having big meals here in Italy almost every restaurant serves food in very small proportions. I say almost every restaurant because on June 15, 2016 our professor took as to Eataly and the meals were of reasonable size, but all the other restaurants I have gone to serve meals in very small proportions. My first day in Italy I went to a restaurant and order an aperitivo (buffet) I was really surprise; the aperitivo was not what I was expecting. The aperitivo was mostly small sandwiches, pasta, pizza, and salads, but what surprised me more was the size of the plates used for the aperitivo. The plates were very small.

Meal in Eataly


In the Unites States especially in small towns people are used to driving everywhere and it’s very unlikely to see town people riding the bus or the metro. Here in Italy people usually walk, ride the bus, or the metro.


Italians are very fashionable everywhere you turn you well see people well dressed. I’m sure that in big cities in the United States like New York City people are very fashionable, but not in small towns. Since I’m from a small town I was impressed by the Italians attire. I’m not used to seeing some many people well dressed; I’m more used to seeing people appear in their pajamas with boots or sandals at the grocery store.

I have really enjoyed these past two weeks in Italy!

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